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8.28% increase in equity in 1 week! Forex trading method

different foreign currencies

This week my forex trading method increased my trading equity by 8.28%!

How much interest do you get from your investments in 1 week? 8.28% per year would be considered an excellent rate of return for some. Yet with my trading method, I was able to get this rate of return this week.

Now it is true that I don’t get this every week, but it shows how profitable trading forex can be.

My trading method is available for sale from this website.

My journey

When I started forex trading, I bought and read books and webinars and subscribed to other trader’s trading rooms. I bought indicators and expert advisors (robots). I found that some of these worked some of the time. But not all the time. People get greedy when they are trying to earn more money. There are plenty of people ready to take advantage of you with false promises of success.

One product I bought was a Trend Indicator that supposedly showed when a trend was changing, so you could put on a trade to take advantage of the new trend. The advertising sounded good, but when I tried it, I discovered that as soon as it indicated a change in trend, the trend changed again.

A book said that indicators and robots were a waste of money and I agree.

I use the volume indicator to see what the big boys are doing. I also use a couple of robots that I had made that help me in my trading method.

My trading method

I set out to discover a way of trading that would work whether the price rose or fell. When I first started trading, someone said that you shouldn’t try to do this. You should just use a method that worked in the right conditions. But I believed that a method could be found. I tried many different things and I lost a lot of money. I learnt to ONLY TRADE WITH MONEY YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE. The forex market is manipulated. A lot of the ways that others encourage you to trade will result in you losing money. You will make some gains, but you will make more losses. I read that if you can make 20% growth per year, that is considered good. So 8.28% in a week is FANTASTIC!

So after many efforts and seeking advice and help from Jesus and learning from mistakes and not repeating them. I discovered a method that works. It is not fast and it takes patience. The price can suddenly move against you in a big way and for a long time.

When covid came in early 2020, the aud/usd pair had always bounced upwards after reaching 0.66, but when covid came this pair fell all the way down to 0.55. Then it rose to 0.75 before falling back again. I lost money when this happened because I was relying on what had happened in the past. All the indicators and robots are tested against data from the past with the assumption that what has happened will happen again. But sometimes as with covid, something new happens.

So I needed a method that would work whenever something new came.

My method goes right against the teachings of a lot of traders.

Forex trading is risky

An estimated 90% of traders lose money. So you need to be careful and only trade with money you can afford to lose.

Through stupidity and ignorance I have lost a lot of money. But I have learnt from my mistakes and have learnt what works and what doesn’t. So now I am gradually recovering all the money I have lost and will end up making more money and having a profit overall BECAUSE MY METHOD WORKS!

So if you are interested in making 8.28% in one week, buy my method and try it.

Good luck.